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Our Vision & Mission

Vision: To prepare students, alumni, staff, faculty, and community members to fulfill President McKay’s prophecy.


Mission: The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding helps BYUH students,faculty, staff and alumni fulfill that prophecy by functioning as a cross-cultural peacebuilding laboratory that:

1. Educates BYUH students, faculty, staff and alumni with the theoretical and practical tools they need to be leaders and peacebuilders

2. Sponsors practical community building and cross cultural leadership opportunities in the university, community and the world




On February 12, 1955, David O. McKay, President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, stood in the middle of a sugar cane field in the tiny village of Laie, on the north shore of Oahu. With a shovel in his hand, he broke ground on what was then called The Church College of Hawaii – a culmination of a vision he had in 1921 when visiting the island of Hawaii as an apostle. In the dedicatory remarks, McKay invoked a grand vision for the school and this tiny village . . .


“This is the beginning of the realization of a vision I saw 34 years ago when one morning President Hugh J. Cannon, President E. Wesley Smith, others and I witnessed a flag raising ceremony by students of the Church school here in Hawaii in Laie. In that little group of students were Hawaiians, what do you call them—Haoles, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and Filipinos. We listened to each one, a representative from each of these groups, pay tribute to the stars and stripes as the flag was pulled up there on the flagpole and all vowed allegiance. That ceremony brought tears to my eyes . . . . Now that tells us what this school is being built for . . . First, the things pertaining to God and His kingdom, a testimony of the existence of Deity. . . Secondly, that those noble men and women, the world needs them. One man said the world needs men who cannot be bought or sold, men who will scorn to violate truth, genuine gold. That is what this school is going to produce. More than that, they’ll be leaders. Not leaders only in this island, but everywhere. All the world is hungering for them. You mark that word, and from this school, I’ll tell you, will go men and women whose influence will be felt for good towards the establishment of peace internationally.”

Our History

In 2005, The David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding was founded as way of helping BYUH students gain the knowledge and practical tools necessary to be those influences for peace that President McKay foresaw. Since those humble beginnings, the Center has grown rapidly. We now have over 150 students participating in our innovative Intercultural Peacebuilding Certificate program. Hundreds more participate in dozens of peacebuilding projects on campus, in the community and internationally. Every year we are graduating more and more students determined to establish peace in their homes, their communities and in the world.

Our Team

Michael Ligaliga


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F.D. weBelieve, weLearn

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Chris Pineda

Assistant Director

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John Mariteragi
Ashley Kempler

F.D. weFacilitate

I'm Ashley Rae Kempler. I was raised in Bluffdale, Utah. I graduated with my associate's degree from Dixie State University and then transferred to Brigham Young University Hawaii. 

Natalie Cosby

F.D. weMalama

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F.D. weConnect, weCommunicate

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Jaden McCarrrey

F.D. weGather, weExperience

Jaden McCarrey is a Junior from Anchorage, Alaska who is majoring in Peacebuilding and Communications, and minoring in Organization Behavior.

Seth Young

F.D. weGather, weExperience

Seth Young is a recent graduate of BYU-Hawaii serving as one of the Field Directors for the McKay Center.  He grew up in Tucson, Arizona and has always had a passion for serving and helping others.  

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