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Be The Change

The McKay Center is engaged in a number of "Be The Change" projects at the University, in the community and internationally in its efforts to further intercultural understanding. These projects are organized and led by students involved in the Peacebuilding program. The McKay Center organizes each of its projects into eight different areas, or fields, to insure a variety of projects that reach out to numerous cultural groups. These fields are: weCommunicate, weConnect, weBelieve, weFacilitate, weMalama, weExperience, weLearn, and weGather. Each of these areas are also managed by students who help mentor the Project Leads with in their area towards running successful projects. Through the programs's many areas of focus, students gain leadership experience in fields ranging from conflict facilitation and mediation, to research and analysis, to public relations and news media. All of this, while collaborating with peers and faculty to gain a strong understanding of conflict transformation and peacebuilding theory and its relevance in our families, communities, nations and world.


WeCommunicate functions as the media outlet for the David O. McKay Center for Intercultural Understanding. In this Area, students can gain experience working with online resources, news media, and marketing/advertising to find peacebuilding applications. WeCommunicate helps students explore emerging areas of conflict transformation such as peace journalism, online conflict resolution and the use of social media to cultivate peace within communities.



 WeConnect focuses on building and expanding networks of influence within the field of peacebuilding. These networks open doors for IPB students through networking, internships, career opportunities, and graduate school programs. Students working with weConnect will seek to maintain a connection with our alumni as they leave BYUH for graduate school or the job field.



 WeBelieve is focused specifically on supporting and expanding peacebuilding initiatives within theChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and with other people of faith.


WeFacilitate seeks to support and expand facilitation and mediation training on-campus and in the community through training seminars and weekly labs.



WeMalama builds relations in the local community, seeks to help BYU-Hawaii students to get more involved in the community and supports community-based activities. Students working with weMalama will set the example by getting off campus and developing relationships with community members;find opportunities for community service and peacebuilding; plan and carry out events and initiatives involving the community; and support community building efforts.


WeExperience focuses on the development of experiential learning opportunities for students and for the community that support the IPB curriculum and the mission of theMcKay Center.Students working with weExperience will use their creativity to envision learning opportunities outside of the classroom. 



 WeLearn supports the development and delivery of the Intercultural Peacebuilding Program by providing  Teaching Assistants, peer mentors, and tutors to support IPB courses.It is also focused on supporting and contributing to research of the peacebuilding field and sustaining the academic rigor of the IPB program. This area is well suited for students preparing for a graduate degree in peace or conflict studies. While other Areas of the PMP focus on the “how” of peacebuilding, weLearn seeks to understand the “why”. 



WeGather functions as the on-campus arm of the McKay Center. Students working with weGather will envision and carry out on campus events and initiatives that invite BYUH students to gain a greater vision of PresidentMcKay’s prophecy and deepen their intercultural understanding.President McKay’s prophecy speaks of gathering in two senses of the word.First, it references the gathering of students at BYU-Hawaii from all over the world, students who would be leaders and have a vision of peace. Most students have a sense that they were brought here for a higher purpose than to simply gain a degree. Second, the word gather acts as a charge, “to go forth from this place” to gather others throughout the earth, acting as an influence for peace internationally. The emphasis of this Area of focus is to invite, build, and support the development of a culture of gathering.

I Am a Peace Builder Campaign

I Am a Peace Builder Campaign

This project was created to inform students about the IPB program, and let everyone know that no matter your background, you can make a difference in the world.

Designing For Peace

Designing For Peace

This project lead has a knack for graphic design. They are responsible for creating unique posters for every McKay Center project so that it can be advertised on campus, and in the community.

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